Organic phosphines , metal phosphine complexs
OLED intermediates "/>

Employee welfare

Employee welfare


Bonus benefit: In order to strengthen the company's staff cohesion, honor excellence, increase the motivation and inspire the staff, our company organizes year-end excellent staff selection and hands out bonuses every year.
Dining benefit: In order to devote themselves in a better state, Our company provides employees with dining benefit, which makes their life convenient and guarantees their physical health. Our company advocates thrift tradition and say no to waste.
Enriching life: In order to enrich the knowledge of employees and their amateur life, our company buys books for them to read and has a staff activity room, which has a variety of fitness equipments. It also holds sports activities, art programs, knowledge contests, safety drills and other colorful activities irregularly
Care for employees: Our company organizes a celebration party for employees when they are married. Our company doesn’t encourage employees to pay a for big banquet to treat others. It also hands out welfares when the festival comes. Besides, our company gives 10000 yuan to the top ones if the children of the employees take the college entrance examination. Our company organizes staff health check every year and gives 2000 yuan which is a financial assistance to the employee whose immediate family member passes away.